Click to open or close the help dialog box in which the help message for each item on the dialog box will appear as you move the mouse pointer.
The symbol mark of HanMac HX XTension series. Click to display information about the HX PowerUnderline XTension program.
Click and enter a new offset value. If you enter a value without any unit, the Point will be assumed by default.
Click and select a new offset value from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the distance from the base specified for the selected line style sheet.
Click and select a new base position from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the base position specified for the selected line style sheet.
Click and enter a new shade value.
Click and select a new shade value from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the color saturation specified for the selected line style sheet.
Click and select a new color from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the color specified for the selected line style sheet.
Click and enter a new line width value. If you enter a value without any unit, the Point will be assumed by default.
Click and select a new line width from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the line width specified for the selected line style sheet.
Click and select a new line style from the pop-up menu for the selected line style sheet.
Shows the line style specified for the selected line style sheet.
To define a keyboard shortcut, click this field and press any key with holding down one or more of the Command, Option, Shift, and Control keys.
Keyboard shortcut assigned to the selected line style sheet.
Click this field and enter or modify the name of line style sheet. You may enter up to 27 characters.
Name of the selected line style sheet.
Click to cancel changes of line style sheets since the dialog box has been opened.
Click to keep the changes of line style sheets and close the dialog box.
Click to copy line style sheets from another document.
Click to delete the selected line style sheet.
Click to make a copy of the selected line style sheet.
Click to create a new line style sheet with line attributes specified for the Normal line style sheet.
List of line style sheets defined for the current document. Click a line style name to select it.
List of line style sheets defined for the current document.
The Line Style Sheets dialog box shows all line style sheets defined for the current document. You can create, modify, duplicate, delete or copy line style sheets.